10 Reasons why you should LIKE us on Facebook!


10 Reasons why you should LIKE DilligafUSA on Facebook

  1. We post pictures of Everyday Bullshit (saying DILLIGAF)
  2. Who cares what your Boss thinks of your DILLIGAF SHIRT.
  3. You can visit our store in your underwear
  4. You can enjoy DILLIGAF on Facebook from your iphone while on the crapper
  5. We will be doing CONTESTS where you can get FREE DILLIGAF clothes
  6. We guarantee to put a smile on your face every day (when I say we I mean someone on Facebook)
  7. Swedish models Like DILLIGAF on Facebook
  8. 9 out of 10 Doctors recommend DILLIGAF!
  9. Out of the 324,343 other dilligaf pages on Facebook, DilligafUSA is the only one that's REALLY FUNNY!
  10. You can share of funny posts, and let your friends know that you really don't give a ****!

So, did you LIKE us on Facebook? Don't worry I'll wait... just Click here and then click the LIKE button!

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